SVP Gathers Workforce Development Event Series

We are proud to announce the launch of a virtual learning event series from January to March featuring workforce development leaders of the Austin community to share more about their work and how they are helping to advance economic mobility in Central Texas.

Our SVP Gathers learning events are designed to provide our Social Venture Partners and community members with practical and actionable insights, with the aim of advancing equity in Central Texas.

January Event Recap: SVP Gathers with E3 Alliance

Our first event in the series welcomed Jennifer Saenz, Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives & Policy for E3 Alliance. Social Venture Partners and community members from diverse fields gathered to learn about the role of postsecondary education, its relevance to our future job market, and how E3 is using student data to understand postsecondary success factors that help students get into jobs that earn them above a living wage.

Key student data findings over a six year period include:

  • Students with any postsecondary education (bachelor’s degree, credential/certification, associate’s degree, enrolled in postsecondary) are more likely to be employed

  • Young adults without a postsecondary credential have just a 12% chance to earn a living wage

  • Among several top indicators, Dual Credit is one of the key ways to get more students involved in postsecondary education, yet only 25% of students are taking dual credit courses

  • Evidence of growing race/ethnicity disparities

To get the full story about trends, disparities, postsecondary enrollment, and post-high school success that can help to provide the workforce we need, please contact David for a recording of the event.

February Event: SVP Gathers With Year Up

Our next workforce development event will occur on February 28 with Austin newcomer, Year Up, a nonprofit organization with the mission to improve access to economic mobility for young adults by changing the employment systems and practices that perpetuate inequity.

Their partnership approach seeks to work in collaboration with other organizations to recruit, train, and place young adults in work-based learning experiences with employers, ultimately unlocking new diverse talent pipelines for companies.

Through their 20+ years of experience, Year Up has launched many successful chapters, including several in Texas. As they start up in Austin, they are seeking growth opportunities and partnerships with local businesses.

Join this virtual event to learn about their collaborative partnership approach in workforce development. RSVP here!

March Event: SVP Gather With Austin Regional Manufacturers Association (ARMA)

Our next event in our Workforce Development Event Series will be with Austin Regional Manufacturers Association (ARMA). ARMA is a membership driven organization dedicated to strengthening Central Texas area manufacturing. They support a thriving, unique industry through advocacy, workforce development, and networking.

The Central Texas manufacturing workforce is expanding faster than any other industrial center in the United States. With mega projects like Tesla and Samsung coming online, the pace and challenges are expected to increase.

Join us on Tue, Mar 28, 2023 12:30-1:30 PM to hear Ed Latson, CEO of ARMA, provide an overview of the regional industrial sector, discuss the opportunities to connect local people to high paying jobs as well as examine a few of the obstacles that have proved stubborn. Expect to be surprised by how much manufacturing is playing a key role in Central Texas and across the country. RSVP Here!

We are eager to continue our efforts to empower the local community through our SVP Gathers learning events. We believe that through education and collaboration, we can drive positive change in the Central Texas. If you have any suggestions for future events or topics, please don't hesitate to reach out. Together, we can make a lasting impact!

Want to get the first word on our next event in our Workforce Development Event Series? Head over to our events page or get on our mailing list for updates!


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