Nonprofits and

Social Enterprises

Pro Bono Advisory Services

Our Social Venture Partners are business and community professionals who give back by advising nonprofit/social enterprise leadership in a team-based environment. They serve as thought partners — sharing their knowledge, skills, experiences and networks to support an organization’s current challenges.

Our Areas of Expertise

  • Advising on earned revenue and traditional nonprofit programs to assist with improving operational effectiveness and efficiency. Our functional reviews cover sales & marketing, customer support, operations, finance, IT, and human resources.

  • Helping nonprofit/social enterprise leaders bring their ideas one step closer to fruition through a market validation process to ensure robust demand for the product/service/program followed by traditional business planning to identify and quantify all relevant details.

  • Hosting workshops focused on uncovering potential earned revenue products & services. These workshops provide an introduction to earned revenue basics as well as guided brainstorming to identify possible earned revenue for existing or new programs.

  • Analyzing an organization’s current, historic, and desired funding model and then building a plan to reach funding goals with a focus on how to approach and pitch to corporations, major donors and private foundations.

  • General advising and coaching services to support leadership development of a nonprofit/social enterprise Executive Director/CEO, or provided during an accelerator program or course hosted by a Community Partner.

  • Advisory services provided to organizations with workforce development programs/initiatives that address enhancing economic mobility of underserved populations.

“The mentorship and collective brain power from SVP Austin is an amazing ally asset and a huge contributing factor to Austin being a DEI innovative hub. It’s unbelievable that this is a free resource!”

Heath Creech, Founder

African American Leadership Institute

“The SVPs have been really helpful, asking questions to keep us grounded with direct, actionable steps. You can tell that it's really intentional with the way that we're building this - we're not just checking a box, but actually thinking through the utility of each step.” 

Mariah Barber, Founder

Invisible Strengths

“The session with SVP allowed us as a Board not only to confirm the efficiency of some of our planned strategies but also identify gaps and areas of opportunities that otherwise could have gone unnoticed. The discussion was strategic and thought provoking and allow us to prepare next steps and action items to address current and future challenges. SVP’s advice came across as extremely experienced and founded on the recognized needs of an organization like 3 Day Startup, making all guidance very relevant. There’s definitely a word to describe our conversation: ‘Impactful’”

Rafa Barroso, Board Member

3 Day Startup

Ready to explore working with us?

Our Work In Action

Allies Against Slavery (AAS) uses technology, data, and partnerships to combat human trafficking and protect freedom and dignity. With SVP Austin support, AAS developed and launched Lighthouse, an online screening tool used to identify victims. 

SVP members helped develop a go-to-market strategy, provided marketing support, and made key connections. To read more about our work with Allies Against Slavery, check out our 2-page case study.

“The SVP Partnership was instrumental to move us towards our ‘north star’ of identifying victims and survivors. There was an inherent trust that SVPs understood the what and why, cared deeply about our mission, and could communicate it in any setting.“

- John Nehme, CEO, Allies Against Slavery

Organizations Served