Looking Forward to 2023

Debbie Johnson, SVP Austin Board CO-CHAIR

Tim O’Hara, SVP Austin Board Co-Chair

2022 was a fantastic start to our new organization. We welcomed our first Executive Director, Marissa Vogel. Through her leadership and Partner engagement, we:

  • Centered Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) as the basis for all we do including diversifying our board, membership and partners

  • Grew our membership 22% to 39 active Social Venture Partners

  • Supported 20+ nonprofits through our pro bono advising services on topics ranging from revenue strategy to financial models to product development

  • Began exploration in the workforce development space as a potential focus area to tackle economic inequality in Austin

  • Hosted 20+ networking and learning events

  • Launched a collective grant fund to support selected nonprofit/social enterprises 

 We couldn’t have asked for a better team to make this all happen, and we’d like to thank you for our success this year!

As our gaze shifts to 2023 and beyond, the Board has articulated aspirations and goals for SVP Austin:

  • Our organization is a model for a diverse membership and an inclusive place to do good

  • Our partners are respectful changemakers who enhance the capabilities of nonprofits and mission-driven enterprises

  • Our initial focus is advancing economic mobility for historically marginalized job seekers

 The third aspiration is a new foray for us. After an intensive period of study and reflection by a SVP Austin Partner-led task force, they found our efforts would be best concentrated in the workforce development sector.

In order to achieve our aspirations and goals, we need to ensure that we are appropriately enabled and equipped, and so the Board also set its sights on the following goals for 2023:

  • Our membership is thriving and growing faster than it ever has

  • Our enterprise is financially resilient with diversified sources of income

  • Our staff members are activators who are engaged and committed

These goals will benefit from everyone’s contributions—helping us recruit new members so that we have a deep bench of talent and experiences to draw upon in service to our community; identifying new funding streams, particularly companies interested in underwriting the membership dues for employees to become Partners; and supporting our staff to ensure their success and engagement. 

We are grateful for what we have been able to accomplish in year one with the support of SVP Austin Partners!  We look forward to working together in the next few years, and beyond, to Close the Divide in Austin. Workforce development is a start on our journey to provide economic equity. We will continue to review opportunities to advise and enhance the incredible work being done by the nonprofits and social enterprises who are leading the charge for all Austinites to thrive and prosper in our community.


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