Who We Are

Our Vision

CLOSING THE DIVIDE: We envision a community where all can reach their full potential in Central Texas.

Austin is a tale of two cities. On the one hand, it is known as the prosperous, “Silicon Hills” whereby the technology industry and workers thrive, attracting top talent to the area from throughout the United States. On the other hand, not everyone shares in that prosperity. Whereas Asian and White populations are growing in median income, Blacks and Latino populations are not. The rising tide of Austin’s economy has not equally lifted all boats and is on the path of growing racial inequality alongside the growing economy.

SOURCE: The Racial Wealth Divide, Prosperity Now 2019

Our Mission

We foster a community of engaged citizens, strengthen nonprofits and social enterprises, and invest in collaborative solutions to tackle our community’s socioeconomic challenges.

To do this, we:

  • Drive resources - knowledge, skills, and networks - to innovative and scalable root cause solutions

  • Build cross sector partnerships to educate and empower engaged philanthropy

  • Listen to and lift up the voices of those who have had less historic and societal power and ensure equity in our community (Learn more about our DEI Commitment)

Our Values

Our Aspirations

We are a model for a diverse membership and an inclusive place to do good


Our members are changemakers who enhance the capabilities of nonprofits and mission-driven enterprises


We have an initial focus on workforce development and advancing economic mobility for historically marginalized job seekers